History Vi2

History Vi2

Origins of wine and vineyards in Menorca

The origins of Menorcan vine cultivation date back to the Roman Empire and were maintained even among the Muslims. Its period of splendor came in the eighteenth century when the population almost doubled in 1708 after the English conquest, between the presence of British troops and the frequent stays of sailors of the British navy, which stimulated its growth.

With the turn of the century, Menorcan wine production continued to increase, even reaching exports outside the island, with a cultivable area of about 1,500 hectares, but the arrival of fungal diseases such as oidium and the phylloxera plague negatively affected production. Even so, the phylloxera attacks were later than in the rest of the peninsula or Mallorca, which was beneficial for the commercial development of Menorcan wine.

It never ceased to be cultivated, even for self-consumption, but it was not until 1980 that several initiatives were taken to recover it, which culminated in the early nineties with the establishment of the first modern winery. However, the most important reactivation would take place as of the year 2000.

The latest data published by the Institute of Agri-Food Quality of the Government of the Balearic Islands on production of wine produced under the protected geographical indication vino de la tierra vino de la tierra Isla de Menorca, speak of an extension of vineyards in Menorca as of 2018 of 78 hectares, of which received 42 are dedicated to production. As a result, the nine wineries in the wine sector were able to produce 136,400 liters, which were transformed into just over 200,000 bottles, mostly of white wine.

In terms of marketing, 92% of the production is sold entirely in Menorca and only 8% leaves the island. In perspective, it should be noted that 35 hectares have been planted in the last three years that have not yet begun to produce but will do so soon.